$100 a night

I’m not sure if this is realistic, but going into the trip I have somewhat of a goal of trying to keep our accommodations cost around (or under) $100 a night for the less expensive areas. Obviously this isn’t realistic in more expensive cities like Tokyo and Amsterdam, but I also want to make a solid attempt at controlling our expenses. I’ve booked our first week at this hotel in a private room with an ensuite bath for $80 a night – Park City Inn and Hostel

Also, I found this interesting flight tracker that I’m going to try to use. It doesn’t look super amazing but I think it might be fun to keep up – OpenFlights

We’re also making some progress around insurance and have started talking about travel vaccinations. We’re off to Italy for 3 weeks starting next week, but when I come back I’m going to start sorting through my clothes.

Ciao for now 😉

